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Prince Avenue Academy & Nursery

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Year 6 responsibilities

Nurturing good student leaders is an important element of Prince Avenue Academy and Nursery's success as a school. Year 6 students are encouraged to take greater responsibility and to contribute positively both to the school and wider community. Pupil advocates is one part of this system. It consists of a Head Boy and Head Girl, a team of class prefects and a team of Pupil Advocates chosen from Year 6s, which includes Office Advocates and Premises Advocates. They are chosen through a rigorous application process. They write a letter of application based on a job description and then are invited to interview with members of the Year 6 teaching team. 

The Head Boy and Head Girl work closely with SLT to promote, monitor, evaluate and improve all aspects of our school. IThey are identifiable by the blazers that they wear as additional uniform.  

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