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Prince Avenue Academy & Nursery

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Physical Education

We target all Prince Avenue pupils to be physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. We base our PE curriculum on the GETSET4PE scheme with additional content to ensure pupils have access to associated cultural knowledge related to this subject (for example, knowledge of significant sporting events and sports people)


We are committed to:

  • Making sure that students know the importance and various benefits that exercise can give to people

  • A commitment to the encouraging enjoyment of physical activity for all students

  • Ensuring that communication and the correct mindset are at the heart of the subject

  • Support the students become reflective and evaluate their own performance

  • Teamwork - the idea that working as a unit effectively can achieve great things

  • Promote an active and healthy lifestyle

  • Give opportunities for student leadership


Prince Avenue pupils will:

  • Recognise that regular exercise in any form brings a wealth of benefits to physical and mental health

  • Partake in physical activity with a smile on their faces and encourage others around them

  • Recognise that the mental aspect of sport/activities is just important as the physical side

  • Be aware of their own areas of development within any given sport or activity

  • Know how to be an effective member of a team

  • Understand the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle



    copy of pe.pdf



Competition intent: 

school games principles amended.pdf


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